Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Tips For Domestic Helper Coming To Singapore For The First Time

When you get domestic helpers from other countries, they would not know the conditions and daily lifestyles here as it varies in different countries. While they start working here, they need to know some basic guidelines. Singapore consists of mostly high rise buildings such as flats, apartments and condominiums. If you are living in these places, falling from such high height is a danger. Especially for foreign domestic worker that work and hang the laundry, there is a high chance to fall out of window if they are not careful. Here are some tips and guidelines for them to take note of and follow.
When doing their laundry: Keep the domestic helper’s feet firmly on the floor. Their body should be behind the window at all times. Hang the heavier clothes on the pole closer to the bracket, and lighter ones at the far end of the pole. Also, when retrieving the clothes, bring the pole in the apartment first before removing the clothes. The domestic helper are not to tip-toe or use any raised platform to hang their clothes. Lastly, do not overload the pole with too much clothing.
When cleaning the window: Lock the window when cleaning the window interior. As for cleaning the window exteriors above the ground level, ensure that there is an adult present to supervise and use cleaning tools that have extended handles. The Myanmar Maids or maids from other nationalities should not stand on any raised platform, or climb or lean outside to clean the window exterior.
Lastly they should ensure that the floor area near all windows is dry before hanging the laundry or cleaning the windows. Also do not lean too far out of the windows when picking items that have fallen out of the window. Never should they stand on ledges or planters if there is one.
Since we are responsible for their safety, we need to make sure that they are safe and follow through these guidelines. They might not know the consequences or how dangerous it may be, letting them know would keep them safe and alert.
Over at United Channel, one of the most experienced Myanmar Maid agency in Singapore, we understand that Domestic Helper coming to Singapore is not easy for them to adapt. Some domestic helpers from countries such as Myanmar or Philippines are also not accustomed to our food, culture and weather. We always seek to provide more training to the domestic helpers who are coming to Singapore so that they can adapt well. We seek to provide all domestic helpers Singapore with the necessary training they should have.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Top 5 Best Maid Agencies In Singapore

Many working professionals and parents have benefited from the emergence of various maid agencies in the country. With the help of a Singapore maid agency, anyone who’s in need of assistance around the house will be able to hire a domestic helper without any hassle. These reputable maid agencies will help their clients find the most suitable maid for the family.

top maid agency Singapore

As a way to help those who are looking for an extra help in their respective home, here is a list of maid agencies in Singapore that can provide potential domestic helpers. Through their service, it’s now easy to find a highly competent maid.

Sakura Employment

With a combined experience of more than 30 years in the service industry, Sakura Employment continues to provide a high level of customer service to all their clients. They aspire to deliver service that is professional, dedicated and personalised. The agency always makes certain that they clearly understand the requirements and preference of their clients to find the ideal maid. They aim to meet and even exceed the expectations of their customers when it comes to finding the best one.

Sakura Employment’s services include job placement for transfer maid in Singapore, direct hire for transfer maid, home leave processing, application of work permit, passport and work permit renewal, embassy endorsement, and many others.

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JL Recruitment

JL Recruitment is one of the established maid companies in Singapore. They are fully committed to achieving higher professionalism, productivity and standard of service. With over 10 years of rich experience in the industry, they continue providing households with well-trained maids.  Their ultimate goal is to provide high-quality and reliable domestic household services to match the needs of their clients.

The agency’s top priority is to practice good customer relationship to build trust as well as long term partnership with their clients. Reliability and friendliness are their primary values to ensure total customer satisfaction in any aspect of their service.

United Channel Employment Agency

Established in 2007, United Channel has become a highly dependable maid agency in Singapore in the past years, which made them one of the major players in the industry. Their main goal is to help solve the issues of working-class people in Singapore with their household chores. The agency acts as a mediator between foreign domestic workers and employers to ensure a good match for both parties.

United Channel specialises in sourcing Myanmar foreign domestic workers who are known to be more self-driven and conservative. The agency has been expanding over the past few years, from a single branch in Katong to another branch in Bukit Timah. Their services include airport shuttle service, medical check-up arrangement, work permit cancellation, consultation & counselling, direct hire application, holiday drop off, housing services, and many others.

maid agency Singapore review

Nation Employment

Nation Employment was established in 1994 and has been helping their clients find a suitable domestic helper. With a track record of more than 50,000 satisfied customers, the agency received an ISO certification by PSB. They have their own training centre located directly within their headquarter where they are able to effectively and comprehensively train their applicants to make them better candidates. With the help of their highly qualified trainers, they are able to conduct personalised training programmes in their training centre.

Generally, the agency’s primary objective is to provide reliable and quality domestic household services to meet the needs of each client.

Crislo Employment Agency

Another trusted maid agency in Singapore is Crislo Employment Agency. They deploy maids from developing countries like Myanmar, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka. The agency match-make each domestic helper’s best ability to match the client’s requirement. Crislo provides strict and extensive training programmes to prepare the maids for any chores and to meet the demands of their clients. The agency strives to build a long-term relationship with all their customers.